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Mala Collective

Featured in Forbes and Goop, Mala Collective is on a mission to increase mindfulness and impact the collective consciousness through traditional meditation tools and jewelry.

When the Vancouver-based mindfulness brand approached us, they sought an updated e-commerce site to showcase new product launches and enhance conversions. The task was clear: create intentional digital merchandising to elevate the customer experience.

We optimized the site design and pop-ups for mobile devices, ensuring seamless navigation and visual appeal across all screen sizes. With a mindful approach to design and strategy, Mala’s digital presence underwent a transformative journey, setting the stage for enhanced customer engagement and conversion success.

For the email marketing component, we conceptualized designs aligned with Mala’s messaging, featuring captivating visuals and clear calls to action. Keeping the copy concise and engaging, we crafted newsletters that encouraged readers to take immediate action. Each email boasted a strong subject line, capturing readers’ attention and leading to increased open rates.